Literacy Essential Modules
We are pleased to announce that the Introduction and Module 1 of the K-3 Literacy Essential Modules are released and available. Module 2 will be released on December 4, 2017. K to 3 Modules 3-10 will be released on a rolling basis starting January 15, 2018 with the Pre-K modules to
These modules are for everyone — from leaders to classroom teachers — to use to support development of a deeper understanding of the Literacy Essentials.
These are FREE resources. The components of the modules include: slides, narration, video clips of literacy researchers, and classroom videos showing each Literacy Essential practice in action in Michigan classrooms. We recommend that educators go through the modules with other educators to
foster deeper learning and understanding of the practices. For example, the modules could be a focus in a Professional Learning Community or Study Group. Your ISD and District Literacy coaches may be able to facilitate your work with these materials.
The modules may be found on: by clicking the “Modules” link. You will be able to enroll in the modules through the Michigan Virtual Professional Learning portal. You will need to register on the Michigan Virtual Professional Learning portal site in order to complete the activities within the modules, and can earn between 3-6 SCECHs for each module. You may also locate the site at:
We would like to offer special thanks to Dr. Nell Duke, University of Michigan; Dr. Tanya Wright, Michigan State University; Laura Tortorelli, Michigan State University; Michigan Virtual; Michigan Association of Intermediate School Administrators (MAISA); GELN (MAISA General Education Leadership Network); Michigan Department of Education; Message Makers; and the GELN Early Literacy Task Force for their work on these modules.
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#Michiganliteracy #MiGELN @MAISA_ISDs @MichiganVirtual