MI Open Book Updates


This notice is only for users of the Apple version of iBooks.  All others (Chrome, Windows, Linux, etc.) are functioning properly.

Right now many of the YouTube widgets embedded into the Apple versions of the MI Open Book materials are not functioning properly.  We have reached out to Bookry (the place that made those widgets possible) for some assistance and are awaiting their response.

In the meantime, if using a YouTube widget in the APPLE versions of the Open Book materials, you will get an error indicating that there was a problem loading the video from the server.



As a temporary workaround, you can choose "no" and then use the share button and choose "email link" -- students can either email themselves the link from this widget, or copy/paste the address into a web browser.


As soon as Bookry gets this back up and running the work around won't be necessary, but in the meantime -- as long as your school doesn't have YouTube blocked, you can still access the videos -- just with a couple of extra taps or clicks.
